Letter to the Editor: Trump Handpicked by God?


I was flabbergasted to learn that some people think God has handpicked Trump to be our next president. Where did this idea come from?

Since God did a very good job through Bible prophecy of letting us know what is coming down the pike for us regarding salvation (think John the Baptist and Jesus Christ here), I took down my Bible and started looking for mention of a person coming after Christ who would lead a great nation back to its Christian ways.

Look as I would, though, I could not find mention of such a person.  I did find mention, however, of an antichrist, someone whom people would think was sent by God to lead them back to Him, but who would, instead, lead them in the opposite direction.

Now, I’m not saying that Trump is the antichrist.  I’m just saying that the antichrist is the only person I found mentioned.  So I’m just going to regard the idea that God wants Trump to be our next president for what it really is--biblically ignorant hogwash.