Greenfield Board Approves Record Management System for Police Department

Police Chief’s Request to Pull Money Out of PD CD for Items Needed for New Patrol Vehicles Denied


Greenfield Police Chief Brian Legons reminded the board that last month they voted to sell the police vehicle Chargers and that said vehicles have just a few days left on the auction. Legons requested the board’s approval to use the money from the sale for a new record management system for the department which would be used for court, e-citation and police software.  The board unanimously approved the request.

Legons also requested to take $7,300 out of a CD the Police Department has at the bank to purchase items for the new patrol vehicle that would be arriving this week that the department received from the Violent Crimes grant.  The board denied his request stating that because of the amount it would need to be bid out and once he had received three bids he could make the request again.

During new business the board approved policies and procedures for the THDA Home Grant they recently received.

“I will say that we were the only ones to get this grant for our people in Greenfield,” Greenfield Mayor Cindy McAdams stated. More information will be provided next month.

“They have a lot of things that they have to do in order to get a grant for their housing,” McAdams stated.

The board also approved $50,000 from their general CD for a site development grant.

A tree cutting at Veteran’s Park was also approved during new business.

“I do want to emphasize to you that that tree is very old. Some lightning has struck it, and it has to be an 80-foot bucket truck to go up to 80 feet, and there's so many that only go up to 60 feet,” McAdams stated.

July’s Yard of a Month went to Gary and Jenna Carter at 101 Terrace Drive.