
I love Belgian Horses. I loved it when we owned them and raised them. I loved working with them in a field, going on wagon rides, and all the work we got to do together as a family because of them.

Belgians are the largest of the workhorses. They are massive, commonly weighing a ton or more and standing six-foot-tall at the shoulders. They are bred to be big, powerful workers. One Belgian can easily pull 8000 pounds. If you put two together in a team, you would assume that two could pull 16,000 pounds. However, a team of Belgians will routinely pull 20,000 pounds (and more). 

Interestingly, two can pull more weight together than the two could do individually. But that's the point of Ecclesiastes 4:9-12. Here, the text is giving us the benefits of friendship. The wise man tells us two are better than one. Why? There are four reasons.

First, two are more productive (9). Cooperation makes for more efficient labor. Two could plant, maintain, and harvest two gardens with each other much more effortlessly than each doing one on their own. 

Second, two can provide mutual care (10). They can assist one another when problems or tragedy strikes. Instead of being overwhelmed alone, there is someone to help shoulder the burden.

Third, two can provide mutual warmth (11). Metaphorically, the warmth they would supply represents the encouragement and empathy we receive from friends. 

Fourth, two can provide safety (12). There is strength in numbers, for sure. Friends help protect one another from physical, emotional, financial, or other harm.

We live in a world, a country, and (sadly) a community where it seems everyone wants to draw lines and divide. We should be better than that. God’s wisdom says we should learn to get along. He expects us to have enough "horse sense" to know that, like a team of Belgians, we help, encourage, and challenge each other. He has made us need each other. When we divide, we rob ourselves of some of the greatest blessings we have in this life. We are better together!

So, today, delegate. Ask for help. Help someone else. Tell those in your life how much you appreciate them. And thank the Almighty for blessing us with friends, spouses, families, and communities who care about us, help us through this life, and make us better! I love you, and God does, too!

Corey Sawyers is the preaching minister for the Martin Church of Christ and an adjunct instructor for Bear Valley Bible Institute. He is Melody's husband and Daddy to Garrett (& Bailey), Gordon, and Gannon. He knows he is better because of all of you! Thank you!

Faith, Corey Sawyers